NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 – Free PDF Download

The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 Vector Algebra are given here, where the students learn about the difference between a scalar and a vector quantity, their properties, operations of vectors, etc. The topic has an important role in helping students score high marks not only in board exams but also in competitive exams. The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths are important to prepare for the various problems asked during the Class 12 Maths board examination.

These Class 12 Maths NCERT Solutions for Vector Algebra are very easy-to-understand and are in accordance with the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24. Solving through different exercises and problem sets gives students the confidence to perform better in the CBSE exams. Students can also avail of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 in a downloadable PDF for free to practise them offline as well.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 Vector Algebra

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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra

Exercise 10.1 Page No: 428

1. Represent graphically a displacement of 40 km, 30° east of north.


NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 1

The vector
NCERT Solutions Class 12 MathematicsChapter 10- image 2represents the displacement of 40 km, 30o east of north.

2. Classify the following measures as scalars and vectors.

(i) 10 kg (ii) 2 metres north-west (iii) 40°

(iv) 40 watt (v) 10–19 coulomb (vi) 20 m/s2


(i) 10 kg is a scalar quantity because it has only magnitude.

(ii) 2 meters north-west is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction.

(iii) 40° is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

(iv) 40 watt is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

(v) 10–19 coulomb is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

(vi) 20 m/s2 is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction.

3. Classify the following as scalar and vector quantities.

(i) time period (ii) distance (iii) force

(iv) velocity (v) work done


(i) Time period is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

(ii) Distance is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

(iii) Force is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude and direction.

(iv) Velocity is a vector quantity as it has both magnitude as well as direction.

(v) Work done is a scalar quantity as it has only magnitude.

4. In Figure, identify the following vectors.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 3

(i) Coinitial (ii) Equal (iii) Collinear but not equal


NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 4directions are not the same.

5. Answer the following as true or false.

(i) NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 5 andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 6are collinear.

(ii) Two collinear vectors are always equal in magnitude.

(iii) Two vectors having the same magnitude are collinear.

(iv) Two collinear vectors having the same magnitude are equal.


(i) True.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 7 and
NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 8are parallel to the same line.

(ii) False.

Collinear vectors are those vectors that are parallel to the same line.

(iii) False.

Two vectors having the same magnitude need not necessarily be parallel to the same line.

(iv) False.

Only if the magnitude and direction of two vectors are the same, regardless of the positions of their initial points, the two vectors are said to be equal.

Exercise 10.2 Page No: 440

1. Compute the magnitude of the following vectors.

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 9


Given, vectors are

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 10

2. Write two different vectors having the same magnitude.


NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 11

3. Write two different vectors having the same direction.


Two different vectors having the same directions are

Let us

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 13

4. Find the values of x and y so that the vectors NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 14are equal


Given vectors
NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 15will be equal only if their corresponding components are equal.

Thus, the required values of x and y are 2 and 3, respectively.

5. Find the scalar and vector components of the vector with the initial point (2, 1) and terminal point (–5, 7).


The scalar and vector components are

The vector with initial point P (2, 1) and terminal point Q (–5, 7) can be shown as

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 16

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 17Thus, the required scalar components are –7 and 6, while the vector components are

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6. Find the sum of the vectors.


Let us find the sum of the vectors.

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7. Find the unit vector in the direction of the vector.


We know that

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 22

8. Find the unit vector in the direction of vector, where P and Q are the points

(1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6), respectively.


We know that,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 23

9. For given vectors NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 24and NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 25, find the unit vector in the direction of the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 26


We know that,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 27

10. Find a vector in the direction of the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 28which has magnitude of 8 units.



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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 30

11. Show that the vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 31are collinear.



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 32

Therefore, we can say that the given vectors are collinear.

12. Find the direction cosines of the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 33



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 34

13. Find the direction cosines of the vector joining the points A (1, 2, –3) and

B (–1, –2, 1) directed from A to B.


We know that the given points are A (1, 2, –3) and B (–1, –2, 1).


NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 35

14. Show that the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 36is equally inclined to the axes OX, OY, and OZ.



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 37

15. Find the position vector of a point R which divides the line joining two points P and Q, whose position vectors are NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 38, respectively, in the ratio 2:1

(i) internally

(ii) externally


We know that

The position vector of point R dividing the line segment joining two points.

P and Q in the ratio m: n is given by

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 39

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 40

16. Find the position vector of the midpoint of the vector joining the points P (2, 3, 4) and Q (4, 1, – 2).


The position vector of mid-point R of the vector joining points P (2, 3, 4) and Q (4, 1, – 2) is given by

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 41

17. Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors,NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 42, NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 43respectively, form the vertices of a right-angled triangle.


We know

Given position vectors of points A, B, and C are

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 44

Hence, proved that the given points form the vertices of a right-angled triangle.

18. In triangle ABC (Fig 10.18), which of the following is not true.

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First, let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 46

19. If NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 47are two collinear vectors, then which of the following is incorrect?

A. NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 48, for some scalar λ

B. NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 49

C. The respective components of NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 50are proportional

D. Both the vectors NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 51have the same direction, but different magnitudes


We know,

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Exercise 10.3 Page No: 447

1. Find the angle between two vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 54andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 55with magnitudes √3 and 2, respectively havingNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 56.


First, let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 57

2. Find the angle between the vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 58


Let us consider the

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 59

Hence, the angle between the vectors is cos-1 (5/7).

3. Find the projection of the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 60on the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 61.



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 62

4. Find the projection of the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 63on the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 64.



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 65

Hence, the projection is 60/√114.

5. Show that each of the given three vectors is a unit vector.

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Also, show that they are mutually perpendicular to each other.


It is given that

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 68

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 69

6. Find


Let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 70

7. Evaluate the productNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 71


Let us consider the given expression

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 72

8. Find the magnitude of two vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 73, having the same magnitude and such that the angle between them is 60° and their scalar product is ½.



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Hence, the magnitude of the two vectors is 1.

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Let us consider,

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Hence, the value is √13.

10. IfNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 77are such thatNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 78is perpendicular toNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 79, then find the value of λ.


We know that the

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 80

11. Show that NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 81is perpendicular toNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 82, for any two nonzero vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 83.


Let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 84

12. IfNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 85, then what can be concluded about the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 86?


We know,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 87

13. If NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 88are unit vectors such that NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 89, find the value of NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 90.


Consider the given vectors,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 91

Hence, the value is -3/2.

14. If either vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 92, thenNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 93. But the converse need not be true. Justify your answer with an example.



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 94

15. If the vertices A, B, C of a triangle ABC are (1, 2, 3), (–1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2), respectively, then find ∠ABC. [∠ABC is the angle between the vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 95andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 96]


We know,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 97

Hence, the angle is cos-1 (10/ √102).

16. Show that the points A (1, 2, 7), B (2, 6, 3) and C (3, 10, –1) are collinear.


Let us consider,

Given points are A (1, 2, 7), B (2, 6, 3), and C (3, 10, –1).


NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 98

Therefore, the given points A, B, and C are collinear.

17. Show that the vectorsNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 99form the vertices of a right-angled triangle.


First, consider

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 101



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 102

Exercise 10.4 Page No: 454

1. FindNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 103, if NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 104andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 105


It is given that,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 106

2. Find a unit vector perpendicular to each of the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 107andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 108, where NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 109andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 110.


It is given that,

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 112



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 113

4. Show that

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 114


First, consider the LHS,

We have

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 115

5. Find λ and μ if NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 116.


It is given that

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 118

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 119

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 120


It is given that

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First, let us consider,

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9. Find the area of the triangle with vertices A (1, 1, 2), B (2, 3, 5) and C (1, 5, 5).


We know

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 124

10. Find the area of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are determined by the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 125.


Let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 126

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 127



NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 128

12. Area of a rectangle having vertices A, B, C, and D with position vectors NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 129and NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 130 , respectively is

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Miscellaneous Exercise Page No: 458

1. Write down a unit vector in XY-plane, making an angle of 30° with the positive direction of the x-axis.


Let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 133

2. Find the scalar components and magnitude of the vector joining the points P (x1, y1, z1) and Q (x2, y2, z2).


First, let us consider,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 134

3. A girl walks 4 km towards west, then she walks 3 km in a direction 30° east of north and stops. Determine the girl’s displacement from her initial point of departure.


It is given that

Let O and B be the initial and final positions of the girl, respectively.

Then, the girl’s position can be shown as

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 135

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 136

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 1404. IfNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 137, then, is it true thatNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 138? Justify your answer.


It is given that,

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 141

5. Find the value of x for whichNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 142is a unit vector.


We know,

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6. Find a vector of magnitude 5 units, and parallel to the resultant of the vectors

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 144.


Let us consider that the

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 145

7. IfNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 146, find a unit vector parallel to the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 147.


Let us consider the given vectors,

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 148

8. Show that the points A (1, –2, –8), B (5, 0, –2) and C (11, 3, 7) are collinear, and find the ratio in which B divides AC.


First, let us consider,

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 150

9. Find the position vector of a point R, which divides the line joining two points P and Q, whose position vectors areNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 151externally in the ratio 1: 2. Also, show that P is the midpoint of the line segment RQ.


We know,

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10. The two adjacent sides of a parallelogram areNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 153and NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 154.

Find the unit vector parallel to its diagonal. Also, find its area.


First, let us consider,

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NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 156

11. Show that the direction cosines of a vector equally inclined to the axes OX, OY and OZ areNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 157.



Let’s assume a vector to be equally inclined to axes OX, OY, and OZ at angle α.

Then, the direction cosines of the vector are cos α, cos α, and cos α.

Now, we know that

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Therefore, the direction cosines of the vector, which are equally inclined to the axes, are

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 159

Hence, proved.

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13. The scalar product of the vectorNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 163with a unit vector along the sum of vectors NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 164and NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 165is equal to one. Find the value ofNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 166.


Let’s consider the

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14. If NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 168are mutually perpendicular vectors of equal magnitudes, show that the vector NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 169is equally inclined to NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 170andNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 171.


Let’s assume,

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Hence proved.

15. Prove thatNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 173, if and only if NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 174are perpendicular, givenNCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 175.


It is given that

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Hence, proved.

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Hence the correct answer is D.

18. The value of NCERT Solutions Class 12 Mathematics Chapter 10- image 182is

(A) 0 (B) –1 (C) 1 (D) 3



It is given that,

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Hence, the correct answer is C.

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Also Access 
NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10
CBSE Notes for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10

The major concepts of Maths covered in Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 include

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Basic Concepts

    • Position Vector
    • Direction Cosines

10.3 Types of Vectors

    • Zero Vector
    • Unit Vector
    • Coinitial Vectors
    • Collinear Vectors
    • Equal Vectors
    • Negative of a Vector

10.4 Addition of Vectors

    • Properties of vector addition

10.5 Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

10.5.1 Components of a vector

10.5.2 Vector joining two points

10.5.3 Section formula

10.6 Product of Two Vectors

10.6.1 Scalar (or dot) product of two vectors

10.6.2 Projection of a vector on a line

10.6.3 Vector (or cross) product of two vectors

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 exercise-wise from the below links

Exercise 10.1 Solutions 5 Questions
Exercise 10.2 Solutions 19 Questions
Exercise 10.3 Solutions 18 Questions
Exercise 10.4 Solutions 12 Questions
Miscellaneous Exercise on Chapter 10 Solutions 19 Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra

The chapter Vector Algebra belongs to the unit Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry, which adds up to 14 marks of the total marks. There are 4 exercises, along with a miscellaneous exercise in this chapter, to help students understand the concepts related to Vectors and Vector Algebra clearly. Some of the topics discussed in the tenth Chapter of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths are as follows:

  1. The scalar components of a vector are its direction ratios and represent its projections along the respective axes.
  2. The magnitude (r), direction ratios (a, b, c) and direction cosines (l, m, n) of any vector are related as l=(a/r), m=(b/r) n=(c/r)
  3. The vector sum of the three sides of a triangle taken in order is 0.
  4. The vector sum of two coinitial vectors is given by the diagonal of the parallelogram whose adjacent sides are the given vectors.
  5. The multiplication of a given vector by a scalar λ changes the magnitude of the vector by the multiple |λ| and keeps the direction the same (or makes it opposite) accordingly, as the value of λ is positive (or negative).

The other concepts and topics explained in the NCERT Solutions of this chapter can be understood by going through Chapter 10 of the NCERT textbook for Class 12.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra

Studying the Vector Algebra of Class 12 using the NCERT Solutions enables the students to understand the following: Vectors and scalars, magnitude and direction of a vector. Direction cosines and direction ratios of a vector. Types of vectors (equal, unit, zero, parallel and collinear vectors), position vector of a point, negative of a vector, components of a vector, the addition of vectors, multiplication of a vector by a scalar, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio. Definition, Geometrical Interpretation, properties and application of scalar (dot) product of vectors, vector (cross) product of vectors, the scalar triple product of vectors. Students can utilise the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 for any quick reference to comprehend complex topics.

Disclaimer – 

Dropped Topics – 10.7 Scalar Triple Product, 10.7.1 Coplanarity of Three Vectors

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10


How many questions are present in each exercise of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10?

The number of questions in each exercise of NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 is listed below:
Exercise 10.1 – 5 Questions
Exercise 10.2 – 19 Questions
Exercise 10.3 – 18 Questions
Exercise 10.4 – 12 Questions
Miscellaneous Exercise – 19 Questions

What are the major concepts discussed in NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10?

The major concepts discussed in NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10 are as follows:
10.1 – Introduction
10.2 – Basic Concepts
10.3 – Types of Vectors
10.4 – Addition of Vectors
10.5 – Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

Where can I get exercise-wise answers to NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths Chapter 10?

Students of Class 12 should choose the correct study material, which helps them solve textbook problems efficiently. Among the numerous reference guides present in the market, selecting the right one requires a lot of patience. The solutions for both chapter-wise and exercise-wise problems are available in PDF format in BYJU’S. It can be referred to by the students while solving problems to get their doubts cleared instantly.


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